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Connecting to the RDS via Linux

Information for connecting to the BEAR Research Data Store (RDS) Server on a Linux system.

Identifying Your BEAR Project’s Directory Path


You will have received an email containing the directory path when the project storage was created or you were added to the project. However, please follow the steps below if you no longer have access to this information.

  1. Log-in to BEAR Admin with your University username and password.
  2. Click on the “BEAR Identity Database” link.
  3. Scroll down to either the “PI on Projects” or “Member of Projects” sections and click on the link to the relevant project name.
  4. Locate the correctly formatted path for Linux. N.B. You can copy the link to your clipboard by clicking on the icon.

Connecting on Linux

To mount the above path on Linux, follow the instructions for Linux here.


You may require sudo access on your Linux computer in order to install the required tools.