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Application Guide: Ollama


To use Ollama it requires port forwarding this is covered below, but it requires your own terminal and cannot be run on the portal

Ollama via Apptainer

You can obtain and run an Ollama container using following steps:

  1. Warning

    Please make sure you exit your interactive job once completed as an idle job will waste resources
    Start an interactive job for the best performance you can use a GPU.
  2. Make sure you are in your project space as the image you will obtain is large.
  4. apptainer pull docker://ollama/ollama This will get you the latest version of Ollama ollama_latest.sif. Specific versions can be found here
  5. To run Ollama do apptainer shell ollama_latest.sif and then ollama --help to see your options and to make sure it has all been installed correctly and you will see:

    Apptainer> ollama --help
    Large language model runner
      ollama [flags]
      ollama [command]
    Available Commands:
      serve       Start ollama
      create      Create a model from a Modelfile
      show        Show information for a model
      run         Run a model
      stop        Stop a running model
      pull        Pull a model from a registry
      push        Push a model to a registry
      list        List models
      ps          List running models
      cp          Copy a model
      rm          Remove a model
      help        Help about any command
      -h, --help      help for ollama
      -v, --version   Show version information
    Use "ollama [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  6. To start Ollama you then run ollama serve Ollama defaults to the 11434 port

  7. Next is Port-forwarding/ssh tunneling
    1. Open up an new terminal window
    2. ssh onto BlueBEAR allowing a local tunnel ssh -L 11434:
    3. ssh onto the compute node again allowing a local tunnel ssh -L 11434:127:0.0.1:11434 bear-pgXXXXX where XXXXX is the rest of the compute node information
  8. In this new terminal you can do another apptainer shell ollama_latest.sif and follow an Ollama example like the one shown


Using the ollama pull command will create a local model these are very large and are automatically placed in a hidden directory in your home directory. To prevent the filling up your home space you can create a symlink to your project space:

cd ~/.ollama
ln -s /rds/projects/_initial_/_projectname_/model_directory models